There's a big old world out there, and it's inviting you for a dip. Whether you prefer a tranquil paddle, a nudey dive or a butt-clenching rapid ride, here's where to get wet in the wild.
Canoeing, Scotland
We tried canoeing once and we kept going round in circles (the person at the back obviously wasn’t pulling their weight). Once you master it, though, it’s the best way to explore the eerily peaceful lochs of the Scottish highlands. With Wilderness Scotland you’ll wild camp each night on an isolated island, and canoe through the glacial lochs for seven hours the next day. Wet socks guaranteed.
Wild Swimming, Italy
We don’t need to tell you that Italy’s northern lakes make nice skinny dipping spots, but no one wants a pale nudey flasher in their Lake Como wedding snaps. For prime wild swimming, head south of Naples to the Sorgenti del Sammaro, or ‘Great Cave’. Hidden near the entrance of the narrow gorge you’ll find deep, blue-coloured water rising from underground springs. Dive in – it’s nippy.
Rafting, Tasmania
A day-long rafting trip is all fine and dandy, but for serious soaking, how about a ten-day white-water rafting trip along Tasmania’s Franklin river? Put yourselves in the hands of capable guides, and prepare to be hurled around rapids like Nasty Notch. Nasty’s an understatement, this is treacherous stuff, so take the advice on the signs: “Do not exceed your paddling ability; be honest with yourself.” You have been warned.