15 of the world's most epic bridges

Just because they connect A to B doesn't mean bridges have to be boring. Seriously, sit back and admire these views...

Bridges bring us together. From the Roman Empire to contemporary construction, bridges have provided the perfect opportunity for a society to flex its collective muscles and show just how adept it can be at connecting its citizens with the greater world.

Many designers and architects have blazed their name in the firmament creating a bridge that blends in seamlessly with its environment, or alternatively, expresses something greater than the sum of its parts and makes us reconsider just what comprises a bridge’s ‘bridginess’.

We’ve compiled a gallery of the bridges that really butter our bread. Get ready for some of the most spectacular, stunning viaducts on the planet, from locations as far-flung as Uluwatu in Indonesia, Langkawi in Malaysia, Isfahan in Iran’ and, er, Wrexham, Wales and Des Moines, Iowa.

San Juan de Gaztelugatxe

Bermeo, Spain

Gaztelugatxe in Northern Spain

Connecting the islet of Gaztelugatxe (Castle Rock in English) to mainland Spain, this outrageously windy bridge over the encroaching Bay of Biscay looks more like something out of Game of Thrones than something that actually exists – probably because it was the filming location for Dragonstone in the show's seventh series.

Puente Nuevo

Ronda, Spain

New Bridge in the town of Ronda, Spain

When you spend 34 years painstakingly building a bridge like 18th-century architect José Martín de Aldehuela did, you'd better hope it comes with a waterfall, improbably gorgeous arches and a prison chamber with an opening above a 98-metre chasm.

Moses Bridge

Halsteren, Netherlands

Moses Bridge, a pedestrian through-water bridge in Halsteren, Netherlands

When is a bridge not a bridge? We'd wager when it parts the water either side of it, and lets hikers, runners and cyclists who want to cross it enjoy a view of the water at eye level. Thank god (or should we say, Moses) for Dutch design.

Bixby Creek Bridge

Big Sur, CA, USA

Bixby Creek Bridge, a bridge in Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park, California

OK, so this bridge might not exactly break the mould with its design, but as far as integration into a staggering natural landscape goes, it's just about the most iconic out there. Sadly, in March 2017, heavy winter storms meant the bridge had to be closed for repairs, cutting off Big Sur from the rest of California.

Pontcysyllte Aqueduct

Wrexham, Wales

The Pontcysyllte Aqueduct, a canal bridge above the coutnryside in north Wales

Weekends on canal barges have long gone down in family holiday and stag do folklore, and for that reason the 307m-long Ponycysyllte Aqueduct in north Wales is worthy of a mention. Imagine waking up with a stinking hangover to find your mates have accidentally navigated you 38m above the Welsh countryside. Pure bants.

High Trestle Trail Bridge

Des Moines River Valley, IA, USA

Illuminated High Trestle Trail Bridge, Iowa, USA

Running roughly half a mile through the Des Moines River Valley in Iowa, the High Trestle Trail bridge was designed to look like the view down a mine shaft as an homage to the region's heritage. It also glows blue every night, which makes it look like a scene from Tron – very cool indeed.

Langkawi Sky Bridge

Langkawi, Malaysia

View of tourists on the Langkawi Sky Bridge in Malaysia

Offering epic views out across the shimmering blue Strait of Malacca, the Langkawi Sky Bridge dangles a knee-trembling 660m above sea level, right next to the forest-covered peak of Gunung Mat Chinchang. And if that's not enough, it's also curvy, which gives it bonus points.

Đurđevića Tara Bridge

Žabljak, Montenegro

Đurđevića Tara Bridge, over the Tara River Gorge in Montenegro

Not content with having built the one-time largest suspension bridge in Europe, the people of Montenegro decided it was probably wise to build Europe's biggest zipline next to it, so adrenaline junkies could fly by and soak up the view. Until this one in Wales trumped it, that is.

Golden Gate Bridge

San Francisco, CA, USA

San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge in the mist over San Francisco Bay

Yep, it's probably the biggest shoo-in in the entire world of bridges, but the Golden Gate bridge – which spans 1,280m across San Francisco Bay – is a classic. It was painted rusty orange to make the bridge sympathetic to the surrounding landscape, but also to stop stuff crashing into it. Double win.

Pont du Gard

Nimes, France

tThe Pont du Gard aqueduct bridge, near Nimes, France

Just a short snip of the 31-mile Nimes Aqueduct system built by the Romans in the first century AD, the Pont du Gard has been an attraction for tourists and wannabe stonemasons for hundreds of years. And why not? It's got three stories, 52 arches and one beautiful portion of river running underneath it.

Millau Viaduct

Millau, France

The Millau Viaduct, France

Want proof that the hulking mass of concrete and cabling that is the Millau Viaduct in southern France is one of most epic drives in Europe? One of its pylons is actually taller than the Eiffel Tower. Just let that sink in.

Brooklyn Bridge

New York, NY, USA

Suspension cabling on Brooklyn Bridge, New York, USA

Another one that falls under the umbrella of the world's most iconic bridges, the Brooklyn Bridge has connected the brownstones and (more recently) chia seed brownies to Manhattan since 1883. Plus it's in all the movies.

Python Bridge

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Pythonbrug – a bridge in Amsterdam's docklands

Built in 2001, this red pedestrian bridge in the Dutch capital's docklands area has been rearing its wavy head to the delight of architecture lovers (and to the beguilement of runners) ever since. Grippy, cross-fitted wires help you keep your footing over the undulating walkway, and you're pretty likely to see people diving nine metres into the water if you visit on a summer day.

Ponte Vecchio

Florence, Italy

Ponte Vecchio, the old crossing of the River Arno in Florence, Italy

Famous for its on-bridge shops and tourist hordes, the Ponte Vecchio (Old Bridge in Italian) was the only crossing of the Arno not to be destroyed by the German army as they retreated in the Second World War – apparently on direct orders from Hitler himself.

Allahverdi Khan Bridge

Isfahan, Iran

Si-o-seh-pol, a bridge in Isfahan, Iran

Also known as Si-o-seh-pol, this 300m bridge is the longest on the Zayanderud. Constructed in 1599 from two sets of 33 superimposed arches, it's the world's best example of bridge design from Iran's Safavid dynasty. We just like the repetitive symmetry and endless reflections.

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