OverBoard Pro Sports Waterproof Backpack, £49.49

With much of the UK under water, this OverBoard waterproof rucksack might just be the answer to your damp bag problems. It floats if you happen to, er, drop it in the Thames, and in a pillar-box shade of red, you won't lose it.


Aquapac Toccoa Daysack, £50

We've been testing this waterproof daysack over the past few days and can confirm it's tough, watertight (especially on a wet cycle ride into work) and so big we could probably fit in it if we tried. It comes in navy (above) and a fluorescent shade of green.


Cloudburst Waterproof 25 Litre Rucksack, £36

What this rucksack lacks in style, it makes up for in ingenuity. Your valuables can be tucked away in a 100% waterproofcompartment, and its featherlight material means it can be stowed away easily – a good travel companion.
